
Our Missionaries


Don is the son of Preston and Evelyn Cheney who attended ECC until moving to Oregon. Gretchen is a niece of Edna Barter, who also attended ECC for many years.

The Cheneys completed the Wycliffe translation of the NT into the Cakchiquel language in Guatemala after many years with the help of local people, and now work on perfecting computer software to expedite the translation of many languages. They are now living in the US due to health issues, but continue to work on perfecting computer software to expedite the translation of any language.

They have two grown children Vince and Gladys.



Jacob was an outstanding student at Maranatha Bible College in Ghana where Bob and Jean Hong were lecturers. He graduated with honors and taught at MBC while also down much evangelizing and church planting in the Volta Region.

Jacob and Victoria Hiagbe felt the call to help less privileged communities by preaching the gospel and planting churches in Ghana. They formed Most High Mission with the primary objective to preach the gospel, establish Christian schools, and promote missionary endeavor.



Phil Jansma was raised as an MK in Brazil. Phil and Kristi have served in Papua New Guinea and are presently in Brazil again.

Phil is setting up a computer department for the field of West Brazil where they have never had this kind of support before. Missionaries benefit greatly from his expertise in computers and technology, helping them take advantage of computers and other technology to help them in their ministries. They also do some teaching and coaching of MK's and take part in local outreaches.

They have recently adopted 6 Brazilian children to add to their own 6 making 12 children in all.



Andy Meinzinger has been a Children's Ministry Specialist and Director with CEF Whatcom County since 2010. Andy and Rachel are currently raising support and preparing to move to Sri Lanka, where they will continue serving with CEF by training others to teach Good News Clubs. They have 2 daughters, Clara and Willow.



David and Sheri Moore serve with Serve & Equip (S&E) providing free Bible training materials online through the website (www.serveandequip.org) serving the Lord this way from their office in Lynden, WA.

S&E is an expansion of American Indian Bible Institute as its global outreach. Through AIBI and Serve & Equip, the Bible training materials of AIBI have reached individuals in over 140 countries worldwide. It is the goal to continue this global expansion of free Bible training materials to more effectively serve and equip many more individuals around the world.

You can learn more by subscribing to one of their newsletters at www.sveq.org/news They have 6 great children, some of which help in the ministry.



John and Carol Ragsdale have served with Trans World Radio since 1996.

From 1998-2015, the Ragsdale's have lived in Kempton Park, South Africa where John was the Program Director at the Africa Regional Office. They moved in 2015 to Vienna, Austria where John is an international director for TWR in Europe, Asia, and Africa. They are now preparing to move to Cyprus.

Carol is a stay-at-home mom with their two children Jean Marc and Nicole.



The Thompsons are missionaries in Southern Chile with Gospel Mission of South America.

Besides training Chileans in Bible classes, they have done a major rebuilding of a camp ground where Dan is now the camp director. He is also the resource person to help the directors of several other GMSA camps at the leadership level.

Chile has summer when we have winter, so Bible camps are very busy serving young people from quite a large area during our winter season .

The Thompson children are Micah, Matthias, Morgan, and Madeline



Phyllis Erickson was raised in Whatcom County and after her training in education and missions she went to Nigeria in 1967 to be a Bible teacher in SIM secondary schools. When there was an even greater need for Bible teaching in Niger she went there to train pastors and teachers at Aguie Advanced Bible School in French and Hausa, also conducting a very large program of Bible memory in that town.

In 2011 she "retired" and teaches Bible at Sunrise Baptist Church, rest homes, and ladies in jail.

Our Supported Missions

Child Evangelism Fellowship® (CEF®) is a Bible-centered, worldwide organization that is dedicated to seeing every child reached with the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, discipled and established in a local church.

CEF has many different ministries for children, but the three primary ones are the Good News Club®, the 5-Day Club® and the CEF Truth Chasers Mailbox Club.

Natalie Finkbonner is the current director.


The Ferndale Food Bank serves the low income seniors, neighbors, and those in crisis living in the Ferndale, WA area.

Single individuals and families can visit once a week for as long as assistance is needed.

Folks typically leave with up to 70 pounds of nutritious food.


For the glory of God,

Lighthouse Missions Ministries desires to minister to needy men, women, and children through the provision of compassionate services in the Name of Jesus Christ.

Every month they provide food, clothing, medicine and housing for hundreds who are unable to help themselves.

It is all funded by donations and many volunteers serve along with a very small paid staff.


Our Daily Bread Ministries is a global ministry whose mission is to make the life-changing wisdom of the Bible understandable and accessible to all.

They utilize radio, TV, internet and literature.

The "Our Daily Bread" devotional is published and distributed in more than 150 countries worldwide.

Every quarter Evergreen receives copies of the "Our Daily Bread" devotional which you can pick up to use every day to spend a few minutes or more in God's Word with thought-provoking devotions to strengthen your relationship with Jesus Christ.


The mission of Support Officer Community Care is to impact and influence the quality of life for families experiencing tragedy and trauma in our community, and the First Responders who serve them.

Support Officers are specially trained civilian officers who respond to 911 calls where there has been, or is likely to be, a fatality.

Our Pastor Steve Van Vleck has volunteered as a Support Officer since 1997.


Their mission is "to raise up teens who walk with the Lord and boldly share the gospel with their peers."

Evergreen teens (and volunteer adults) have participated in their programs for many years.

TFC sponsors youth meetings that are Bible centered, and have a great Bible quizzing program which has met many times at Evergreen among other locations.

The current director is Phil Gomes
