Senior Pastor Steve Finkbonner

In 1984 Steve and his wife Natalie were looking for a way to save their marriage. They agreed to attend a small Bible study at which they found not only what would save their marriage but save their lives for eternity. They found the truth in the message of the Gospel, that God set up a covenant / a promise through Jesus Christ, God the Son. As Steve and Natalie grew in passion for God's Word, the Holy Spirit used the discipleship ministry at Evangelical Free Church, Bible Study Fellowship, Child Evangelism Fellowship, and the teaching of Pastor Steve Van Vleck at Evergreen Community Church to train them up to minister the Good News. In 1992 Evergreen commissioned and installed Steve as Assistant Pastor. In the following years, he prepared for ordination and was ordained in 2003. In 2019 Evergreen installed Steve as Senior Pastor. Today God has given Steve a passion to train up people to love God and to share the gospel.